Residence Tunis Carthage D27
Borj baccouche, Ariana Tunisie
Phone:+216 93 069 820
Phone:+216 36 271 003
Hard drive data recovery
Our experienced engineers have the best tools to carry out their work. They have successfully performed thousands of data recovery operations.
Data recovery on SSD
We are equipped with suitable readers, high-performance software and specialized know-how, in order to carry out data recovery on all types of SSD and memory cards.
Data recovery on RAID server
Whether it is a server containing hard drives in RAID0, RAID5 or without RAID, TuniLab engineers are highly qualified to perform data recovery.
Computer forensics
TuniLab is certified as EnCase Certified Examiners (EnCE) and Certified Computer Examiners (CCE) and specializes in internal investigations, intellectual property disputes, white collar crime and employment litigation.
Cyber security
We offer our clients advisory missions to support them in strengthening their security and being armed against cyber attacks and ransomware.
Document Management
The digitization of your documents will guarantee you super-fast access to all your documents. Don’t waste any more time searching through your archives. Take full advantage of the benefits of scanning.